Real-time ESG - improve worker conditions

Worker voice data: real-time ESG data on pay, conditions, freedoms and governance.

  • Authentic, real-time, continuous and anonymous.
  • Collected by us via our worker voice app.
  • Like Trustpilot but for factories, based on workers not customers.
  • Invitation-only – controlled, validated, 3rd party.
  • Real-time diagnostic data assessing forced labour risks, governance, pay, health and safety.
  • Link social scores and worker voice data to trade finance and SCF, provide real-time social scores to consumers online and in store: see our 1 minute video.

Measure it, manage it, improve it. A revolution in social transparency.

Real-time ESG - improve worker conditions
Reduce landed costs instantly

Reduce landed costs instantly

Reduce landed costs, improve agility, standardise payment terms using our trade finance platform.

Payment at shipment for your international supply chain without LCs and complexity.

  • Trade finance and supply chain finance for international suppliers.
  • Include all international suppliers (no cut offs).
  • Get suppliers paid at shipment with our simple process.
  • Digitise all documents using our OCR / ML systems.
  • Savings are direct; no impact on trading terms with suppliers.
  • Link supplier costs directly to real-time worker voice ESG data.
  • See our platform video.

Savings of 1% or more on landed costs. Suppliers are paid upfront and you pay later.

Save costs and improve worker conditions

Save costs and improve worker conditions

We link real-time ESG data from worker voice to the terms of trade finance and supply chain finance.

Flex the cost of early payment in line with the social performance of your suppliers and reward improvements in social capital.

  • Real-time social scores improve, lower the cost of supply chain and trade finance
  • Real-time social scores decline, increase the cost of supply chain and trade finance

When you link worker voice data to the cost of trade finance and SCF, you can instantly reward improvements in worker conditions.

Talk to us

Monitor conditions in your international supply chain in real-time with real-time ESG data.

Save on landed costs. Use our digital trade platform to manage cash flowing through your international supply chain.

Link ESG with trade finance and supply chain finance. Improve the lives of millions of workers. We subscribe to the WEST principles for worker voice data (see more here).


Supply chain worker voice monitoring

Sign up your suppliers with us for low cost, technology-driven, non-invasive and real-time monitoring of their conditions. Get real-time data on worker conditions through the worker voice and push this data through to your lenders and to your customers.


Save on landed costs through digital trade finance

Our platform typically generates a saving of 1% on landed costs by increasing the efficiency of payment terms to international suppliers. Get your suppliers safely paid at shipment, and this benefit comes back to you directly from our platform.


Link ESG data to SCF and trade finance

Drive change in your supply chains by flexing the cost of finance to suppliers. It really works. Do this with existing supply chain finance platforms or use our digital trade finance platform with typical savings of 1% on landed costs in addition.

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